Kristie Young
Non-Executive Director
Lithium Australia Ltd | Brazilian Rare Earths Ltd | Tesoro Gold Ltd

Kristie's unique background across technical engineering (mining), business development, project evaluation, marketing, strategy, growth, commercial, consultancy, account management, diversity & inclusion, advisory, governance, education and HR provides a unique mix of skills that sees her well placed to effect real change in the Australian workforce landscape.
Kristie is passionate about the following:
- mining: #MiningisEssential
- diversity and inclusion: absolutely essential for a healthy, balanced, productive workforce
- productivity & sustainability: smarter work practices to ensure sustainability across time
- innovation: essential for a productive country
- workforce flexibility and outcomes based approach: flexibility for females and males
- the future of work: things are changing rapidly - we need to keep up, be agile & be flexible
- STEM education/study (science, technology, engineering, maths): skills so vital to the future of this planet
- ESG: the time is now!
- giving back: mentoring, NFP boards, advisory
Kristie is a well respected member of the mining & business community with strong connections across industry, academia, government, NFPs, consultants & service providers.
She sees an Australia (and a world) where we work together with mutual respect for one another. Sustainable growth is essential.
Kristie graduated from the University of Queensland 1995 with a Bachelor of Engineering (Mining) Hons. She then worked as a mining engineer in both underground and open cut operations before travelling Australia and the globe with her then husband’s metallurgical career. Ten relocations in 12 years saw Kristie having to ‘re-invent herself’ and use her skills outside of engineering on a number of occasions.
Kristie is a Non Executive Director with ASX listed company Lithium Australia (ASX: LIT). She sits on the Wesley College Council/Board, the Board of the Energy Club of WA (prev Petroleum Club WA), is a Perth UQ EAIT Alumni Ambassador, is a member of the CME Diversity & Inclusion Reference Group & sits on the UQ Changemakers ‘Partnering with UQ’ Committee.
Kristie is also GM of AmCham WA & NT. She is a member of the AICD, WA Mining Club, WASMA, WIMWA & the Energy Club of WA, and is a graduate of the AICD (2015).