Association Partner
Indonesian Nickel Miners Association (APNI)
The Indonesia Nickel Miners Association (APNI) was formed by the Directorate General of Mineral and Coal of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources and a team of formator committee was inaugurated by Director of Mineral Development, Mr. Bambang Susigit, on March 6th, 2017 at Building C of the Directorate General of Mineral and Coal office at Jln. Soepomo No. 10 Tebet, South Jakarta.
To become the best association that creates superior values and programs that can synergize all Indonesian nickel mining business communities and become the pride of all stakeholders of nickel mining in Indonesia, including the Central Government, Regional Administration, and the Indonesian people in general.
Committed to creatively transforming the nickel resources for the welfare of people and sustainable development with environmentally friendly practices through the implementation of best mining practices by prioritizing the welfare and peace of members and the community in general, human resource development, social and environmental responsibility, occupational health and safety, and job creation.